Free webinar: What you need to know about calculating your carbon footprint

November 1, 2021

Monday, Nov. 15, 2021

Webinar: What you need to know about calculating your carbon footprint

Alyssa Rade, chief sustainability officer at Sustain.Life will cover:

  • Why businesses should calculate their carbon footprint
  • How to think about your emissions profile
  • What to include in your carbon footprint
  • Key terms, definitions, and frameworks
  • How to calculate your carbon footprint using Sustain.Life

Calculate your carbon footprint for free

Measurement is the first step on the path toward carbon neutrality.

Are you committed to minimizing your company’s environmental impact? Have you calculated your carbon emissions?

It’s time to start measuring the greenhouse gases your company and its employees produce so you can create a thoughtful strategy to reduce your impact.

If calculating your emissions feels daunting or confusing, this webinar is for you.

Who should attend?

Anyone who wants to start calculating their carbon emissions but doesn't know where to start.

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Sustain.Life Team
The takeaway

Monday, November 15
12:00–12:30 PM ET
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